Research Article

Novel Opportunistic Network Routing Based on Social Rank for Device-to-Device Communication

Algorithm 1

Routing strategy of the SRIT algorithm.
(1) initialize the value of
(2) for each encounter between and   do
(3)  for each carried by   do
(4)   directly deliver if it is destined to
(5)    update if has a copy of
(6)   update if and
(7)    if    then
(8)     if   and   then
(9)     update towards
(10)     replicate to according to Utility
(11)     else if   and   then
(12)     update towards
(13)      forward to using single copy
(14)    else if   and ()  then
(15)      if    then
(16)       replicate to according to Utility
(17)       keep the rest for in
(18)     else if    then
(19)       replicate to anyway
(20)       keep the rest for in
(21)      end if
(22)    end if
(23)   else if   and ()  then
(24)      if   then
(25)      replicate to based on
(26)      keep the rest for in
(27)    end if
(28)   end if
(29)  end for
(30) end for