Research Article

Optimize the Power Consumption and SNR of the 3D Photonic High-Radix Switch Architecture Based on Extra Channels and Redundant Rings

Table 1

Parameters of optical devices.


Propagation loss of the waveguide−0.274 dB/cm
Bending loss−0.005 dB
Inactive modulator power loss−0.005 dB
Active modulator power loss−0.6 dB
Passing detector through loss−0.005 dB
Detecting detector power loss−1.6 dB
splitter power loss−0.2 dB
splitter power loss−0.2 dB
Crosstalk coefficient: active modulator−16 dB
Crosstalk coefficient: detecting detector−16 dB
Q factor of MRQ9000
Basic wavelength1550 nm