Research Article

A New Method of Image Steganography Using 7th Bit of a Pixel as Indicator by Introducing the Successive Temporary Pixel in the Gray Scale Image

Pseudocode 1

Insertion of the Message.
(1)a1 = enter the message;
(2)N = length (a1) 8;              %Length calculates the message length in bits
(3)Binarystring = dec2bin (a1, 8);            %Message in bits
(4)I = Read image;                   %Insert Image in I variable
(5)[r, c] = size (I);                %r and c give the row and column of the image
(6)X = zeros (r, c);                   %Initialize a temporary matrix, X, to ZERO
(7)Let K = 1;                  %Initialize a variable K
(8)Let a = 1;                   %Initialize a variable a
(9)Repeat L = 1: r                %Repeat L = 1 to r
(10) Repeat m = 1: c               %Repeat L = 1 to c
(11)  A = get 2nd bit of I, (I (L, m), 2);        %A is the 2nd bit of I
(12)  Q = I (L, m) +1;             %Q is the next pixel of the image I
(13)   B = get 2nd bit of Q, (Q, 2);       %B is the 2nd bit of Q
(14)    If (K < N)
(15)     M1 = binarystring (a);        %M1 is the first message bit
(16)     M2 = binarystring (a + 1);      %M2 is the second message bit
(17)     if ((A==0) && (B==0))
(18)      if ((M1==0) && (M2==0))
(19)       X (L, m) = I (L, m);       %No change in pixel value and drop I in X
(20)      end
(21)      if ((M1==0) && (M2==1))
(22)       X (L, m) = I (L, m) +1;     %Pixel value is incremented by 1
(23)      end
(24)      if ((M1==1) && (M2==0))
(25)       X (L, m) = I (L, m) −1;     %Pixel value is decremented by 1
(26)      end
(27)      if ((M1==1) && (M2==1))
(28)       X (L, m) = I (L, m) +2;     %Pixel value is incremented by 1
(29)      end
(30)     end
(31)     if ((A==0) && (B==1))
(32)      if ((M1==0) && (M2==0))
(33)      X (L, m) = I (L, m) −1;
(34)      end
(35)      if ((M1==0) && (M2==1))
(36)      X (L, m) = I (L, m);
(37)      end
(38)      if ((M1==1) && (M2==0))
(39)     X (L, m) = I (L, m) +2;
(40)      end
(41)      if ((M1==1) && (M2==1))
(42)     X (L, m) = I (L, m) +1;
(43)      end
(44)     end
(45)      if ((A==1) && (B==0))
(46)     if ((M1==0) && (M2==0))
(47)      X (L, m) = I (L, m) +1;
(48)      end
(49)      if ((M1==0) && (M2==1))
(50)       X (L, m)=I (L, m) +2;
(51)      end
(52)      if ((M1==1) && (M2==0))
(53)       X (L, m) = I (L, m);
(54)      end
(55)       if ((M1==1) && (M2==1))
(56)       X (L, m) = I (L, m) −1;
(57)       end
(58)     end
(59)      if ((A==1) && (B==1))
(60)       if ((M1==0) && (M2==0))
(61)        X (L, m) = I (L, m) +2;
(62)       end
(63)       if ((M1==0) && (M2==1))
(64)        X (L, m) = I (L, m) −1;
(65)       end
(66)       if ((M1==1) && (M2==0))
(67)        X (L, m) = I (L, m) +1;
(68)       end
(69)       if ((M1==1) && (M2==1))
(70)        X (L, m) = I (L, m);
(71)       end
(72)      end
(73)      K = K + 2;
(74)      a = a + 2;
(75)    else
(76)      X (L, m) = I (L, m);
(77)    end
(78)   end
(80)Convert X matrix to an image, that is, stego.tif