Research Article

Congestion-Adaptive and Delay-Sensitive Multirate Routing Protocol in MANETs: A Cross-Layer Approach

Algorithm 1

Route request algorithm.
(1), ,
(3)if S has data to send then
(4)if S has path to D then
(5)  Start
(7)  Create RREQ packet
(8)  Select appropriate
(9)  Initiate
(10)  if no reply received within threshold time then
(11)   Decrease to
(12)   Repeat step in 11
(13)  end if
(14)  if then
(15)   if then
(16)    Drop the packet
(17)   end if
(18)   while do
(19)    Hold the RREQ packet in table
(20)    Compute as given in equation (8)
(21)    if then
(23)    end if
(24)   end while
(25)   Select RREQ packet with min
(27)  else
(29)   Receive first RREQ packet start a timer
(30)   while do
(31)    Hold the RREQ packet in table
(32)   end while
(33)  end if
(34)end if
(35)end if