Research Article

An Exponential Active Queue Management Method Based on Random Early Detection

Algorithm 3

RED_E technique detailed pseudocode.
(1)Initialisation stage
(2)For every arriving packet at a RED-Exponential router buffer
Calculate the for this packet at the RED-Exponential router buffer
Examine the queue status at a router buffer, is it empty or not
 if the queue at a RED-Exponential router buffer is empty then
  Compute , where
(3)Determine a congestion status at the RED-Exponential router buffer
if value is less than value then
 Calculate value for the arriving packet as follows:
else if value is greater than or equal to value and less than value then
 Mark/Drop the arriving packet probabilistically regarding to value due to occurrence of congestion
 Mark/Drop every arriving packet due to occurrence of heavy congestion
(4)When the RED-Exponential router buffer becomes empty