Research Article

A Fusion Multiobjective Empire Split Algorithm

Algorithm 1

Framework of the proposed FMOESA.
(1)Part 1: Initialization
(3)Initialize population ()
(4)Execute the opposition-based learning operation
(5)Evaluate the fitness value of each individual
(7)Evaluate the power of each individual
(8)Select empires and then assign colonies to them
(9)Part 2: Iteration and Update
(11) = Reproduction ()
(12) Evaluate the fitness value of each individualV
(15) Evaluate the power of each individual in
(16) Redistributing the empire and their colonies according to the power
(18)  Sort the colonies in reverse order
(21)  if
(22)   Implementing empire reduction strategy until the number of empires is
(23)  end if
(25)end if
(26)end while