Research Article

COVID-19 Pandemic Forecasting Using CNN-LSTM: A Hybrid Approach

Table 2

Hyperparameter tuning.

Model typeForecasting modelHyperparameterRangeBest hyperparameter

Proposed modelCNN-LSTM (2 convolutional layers with 64 filters, kernel size 3,
1 max pooling layer with size 1,
1 dropout layer,
1 LSTM layer with 200 units,
1 fully connected layer)
Epochs(32, 1000)472
Batch_size(2, 30)22
Verbose(0, 1)1

Deep learning modelCNN (2 convolutional layers with 64 filters, kernel size 3,
1 max pooling layer with size 1,
1 fully connected layer)
Epochs(32, 1000)472
batch_size(2, 30)22
Verbose(0, 1)1
LSTM (1 LSTM layer with 200 units)Epochs(32, 1000)472
Batch_size(2, 30)22
Verbose(0, 1)1

Statistical modelARIMAp(0, 10)9
d(0, 3)2
q(0, 3)2
FBProphetChangepoint_prior_scale(0.0001, 0.5)0.5
Seasonality_prior_scale(0.01, 10)0.25
Seasonality_mode(0, 1)1

Linear modelLRFit_intercept[True, false]True
n_jobs(āˆ’1, 1)āˆ’1
RidgeAlpha(1, 5)5
LassoAlpha(1, 5)5

Ensemble modelXGBoostRn_estimators(0, 1000)545
Max_depth(0, 25)6
Reg_alpha(0, 5)1
Reg_lambda(0, 5)3
Gamma(0, 5)1
Learning_rate(0.005, 0.5)0.1225
AdaBoostRn_estimators(0, 1000)545
RFRn_estimators(0, 1000)545
GBRn_estimators(0, 1000)545
ETRn_estimators(0, 1000)545
BaggingRn_estimators(0, 1000)545

Machine-learning modelGPRKernelDotProduct, Matern, RBF, WhiteKernelDotProduct
Alpha(0, 1)0.16000000000000003
SVRKernelrbf, polypoly
C(0, 10)1.5
Gamma(0, 5)3
Epsilon(0, 1)0.1
DTRMax_depth(0, 25)5
KNNRn_neighbors(0, 10)3