Research Article

Embedding Tangent Space Extreme Learning Machine for EEG Decoding in Brain Computer Interface Systems

Algorithm 1

Embedding tangent space extreme learning machine (ETS + ELM).
Input: given SPD matrix set with samples , dimensions of embedding , iterative number , stop threshold , and ELM parameter , and ;
(1)Construct a Riemannian graph over all samples based on Riemannian geodesic distance (Section 3.1);
(2)Initialize: ;
(3)Fort = 1 : 1:(), do;
 Calculate the matrices (Section 3.2);
 Obtain mapping matrix by (12);
end if;
end for;
(4)Construct -dimensional embedding , where is convergent matrix in step 4;
(5)Calculate the Riemannian mean of all data on embedding:
(6)Project embedding point onto tangent space on Riemannian mean by (6) ;
(7)Apply a three-layer ELM in the tangent space, learning the weight from (14), using the training data;
(8)The label of the testing data may be obtained by , where is the mapping matrix of the testing data;
Output: the label of the testing data.