Research Article

Alteration of the Cardiac Sympathetic Innervation Is Modulated by Duration of Diabetes in Female Rats

Table 1

Body weights, blood glucose concentrations, and plasma insulin levels in diabetic and control female rats.

Months after STZBlood glucose (mmol/L)Body weight (g)Plasma insulin (ng/mL)
Control STZ Control STZ Control STZ

18.7 ± 0.423.7 ± 1.4*270 ± 12195 ± 5*0.81 ± 0.090.11 ± 0.02*
28.2 ± 0.526.2 ± 2.4*292 ± 8198 ± 6*1.09 ± 0.150.17 ± 0.02*
48.9 ± 0.226.6 ± 1.5*315 ± 9188 ± 4*1.11 ± 0.120.14 ± 0.02*
226.2 ± 0.58.5 ± 0.8#350 ± 12235 ± 10*#0.86 ± 0.091.08 ± 0.16#

Values are means ± SEM.; STZ: streptozotocin; *significantly different from value in control group ; #significantly different from STZ1 value .