Research Article

Obesity and Blood Pressure in 17-Year-Old Offspring of Mothers with Gestational Diabetes: Insights from the Jerusalem Perinatal Study

Table 1

Characteristics of the study population.

JPS entire cohort,

Maternal age at delivery (years, mean ± SD)
Paternal age at delivery (years, mean ± SD)
Birth order (mean ± SD)
Birth Weight (grams, mean ± SD)
Birth place of mother's father (%):
 Israel 10.6 12.9
 West Asia 28.0 31.7
 North Africa 21.2 24.4
 Europe/America 40.3 31.0
Maternal education (%):
 Unknown 0.7 5.6
 0–8 years 29.4 31.7
 9–12 years 31.7 35.8
 13+ years 38.2 26.8
Socio economic status (%)
 High 36.9 33.1
 Middle 45.4 41.3
 Low 17.7 25.6
Maternal health condition (%)
 Pre-eclampsia 14.4 3.4

JPS subcohort 1974–1976
 Prepregnancy maternal BMI (mean ± SD)
 Weight gain during pregnancy (mean ± SD)