Research Article

Influence of Maternal Glycemia on Intrauterine Fetal Adiposity Distribution after a Normal Oral Glucose Tolerance Test at 28 Weeks Gestation

Table 1

Characteristics of the study participants, their newborn, and frequency of outcomes ( ).

Maternal characteristicsFrequency (%)Mean ± SDRange

Age (years)30.6 ± 4.819.0–41.0
Parity0.9 ± 1.00–4
Early pregnancy BMI (kg/m2)28.2 ± 6.019.1–45.8
Prenatal smoking14.7

Newborn characteristics
Gestational age at delivery (weeks)40.2 ± 1.136.6–42.0
Birth weight (kg)3.7 ± 0.52.1–5.0
Birth weight >4.5 kg3.9
Male sex49.8

Obstetric outcomes
 Gestational hypertension10.0
Induction rate32.4
Caesarean delivery26.5

BMI: body mass index.