Research Article

Transcriptional Mechanisms Controlling miR-375 Gene Expression in the Pancreas

Figure 3

Mutational analysis of miR-375 promoter in alpha cells. (a) Representation of miR-375 gene promoter showing sequence blocks that were subjected to mutational analysis [11]. (b) Luciferase constructs containing promoter mutations were transfected into αTC1 cells. Luciferase activity is expressed relative to wild-type promoter activity (construct 375b). Each data point represents mean ± SEM ( ; * , as compared to luciferase activity of construct 375b). In Mut1 (M1) the sequence TCCATGAG was mutated to TCCTCGAG, in Mut2 (M2) the sequence TATTTGCCCC was mutated to TATGTGCACC, in mE box 1 the sequence AGCCAGGTGGGT was mutated to AGCACTAGTGGT, in mE box 2 the sequence TGACATCTGGTG was mutated to TGAACGCGTGTG, in mE box 3 the sequence GGACAGGTGTG was mutated to GGGACCCGTTG, in mTATA the sequence GCAGTATAAGAG was mutated to GCAGGCGCCGAG.