Research Article

Loss of Insulin Receptor in Osteoprogenitor Cells Impairs Structural Strength of Bone

Table 1

Selected properties of bone, as determined by μCT and three-point bending, for males (top) and females (bottom), comparing control (IR flox) and OIRKO mice.

Property (male)UnitsIR flox ( ) OIRKO ( ) -value

Metaphysis (trabecular bone)
BV/TV% 0.009
Tb.Nmm−1 0.47
Tb.Thmm <0.001
Tb.Spmm 0.38
SMIa 0.006
Tb.TMDmgHA/cm3 0.10

Diaphysis (cortical bone)
Ma.Vmm3 0.005
Ct.Thmm 0.001
Iminmm4 <0.001
Ct.Armm2 <0.001
Lengthmm <0.001
Slendernessbmm/mm2 <0.001
Ct.TMDmgHA/cm3 0.49
StiffnessN/mm 0.57
ModulusGPa 0.137
Bending strengthMPa 0.177

Property (female)UnitsIR flox ( ) OIRKO ( ) -value

Metaphysis (trabecular bone)
BV/TV% 0.52
Tb.Nmm−1 0.95
Tb.Thmm 0.53
Tb.Spmm 0.69
SMIa 0.001
Tb.TMDmgHA/cm3 0.28

Diaphysis (cortical bone)
Ma.Vmm3 0.16
Ct.Thmm <0.001
Iminmm4 <0.001
Ct.Armm2 <0.001
Lengthmm <0.001
Slendernessbmm/mm2 0.002
Ct.TMDmgHA/cm3 <0.001
StiffnessN/mm <0.001
ModulusGPa 0.26
Bending strengthMPa 0.50

Structural model index characterizes the shape of trabecular bone (1: platelike; 3: rodlike). bSlenderness is the ratio of the length to the total cross-sectional area of the femur midshaft. Abbreviations: BV/TV: bone volume/tissue volume; Tb.N: trabecular number; Tb.Th: trabecular thickness; Tb.Sp: trabecular separation; SMI: structural model index; Tb.TMD: trabecular tissue mineral density; Ma.V: marrow volume; Ct.Th.: cortical thickness; Imin: moment of inertia; Ct.Ar: cortical area; Ct.TMD: cortical tissue mineral density. Significant differences are highlighted in bold font.