Research Article

Determining Predictors of Early Response to Exenatide in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

Table 1

Comparison between responders ( = 63) and nonresponders ( = 49) in patient demographics and medications prescribed alongside exenatide. Results are presented as the mean ± SD for continuous variables and as the number (plus percentage) for categorical variables.

VariableGroup value
Responders Nonresponders

Gender male (% male)36 (57)28 (57)1.00
Age59 ± 1161 ± 100.16
Duration of T2DM in years14 ± 6.0614.9 ± 5.830.40
Prescribed exenatide only (%)5 (7.94)2 (4.08)0.46
Prescribed exenatide with OHAs only (%)45 (71.4)27 (55.1)0.11
Prescribed exenatide with insulin only (%)2 (3.17)10 (20.4)0.0047
Prescribed exenatide with OHAs and insulin (%)11 (17.5)10 (20.4)0.88

OHA: oral antihyperglycaemic agent; T2DM: type 2 diabetes mellitus.