Research Article

Immunological Hypoglycemia Associated with Insulin Antibodies Induced by Exogenous Insulin in 11 Chinese Patients with Diabetes

Table 3

Characteristics of the patients with unexpected hypoglycemia and patients without unexpected hypoglycemia.

VariablePatients with unexpected
hypoglycemia ()
Patients without unexpected
hypoglycemia ()

Male (%)8 (72.73)8 (72.73)1.000
Age, median (IQR), years70 (61–77)70 (60–77)0.608
BMI, median (IQR), kg/m221.00 (19.90–21.64)25.15 (20.06–29.07)0.036
Course of diabetes, median (IQR), months48 (12–120)120 (84–156)0.139
Duration of insulin treatment, median (IQR), months5 (4–12)36 (24–60)0.050
Serum ALT, median (IQR), IU/L26 (15–38)23 (20–34)0.722
Serum AST, median (IQR), IU/L24 (15–35)25 (23–30)0.683
Serum creatinine, median (IQR), umol/L82.0 (66.1–89.9)88.0 (74.0–106.0)0.328
eGFR, median (IQR), mL/min/1.73 m288.07 (74.48–99.64)72.49 (51.05–93.96)0.374
Insulin dosage, median (IQR), IU/day15 (14–20)26 (24–30)0.016
Fasting status on admission
 PG, median (IQR), mmol/L5.93 (4.52–6.30)8.89 (7.19–12.17)0.041
 Serum IRI*, median (IQR), pmol/Lhi (2437.20–hi)69.12 (29.82–93.42)0.003
 Serum CPR, median (IQR), nmol/L1.810 (1.010–3.130)0.768 (0.462–0.905)0.010
After meal tolerance test 2 h on admission
 PG, median (IQR), mmol/L17.86 (16.66–21.00)19.34 (16.20–21.14)0.657
 Serum IRI*, median (IQR), pmol/L hi (hi–hi)187.62 (113.88–339.36)0.003
 Serum CPR, median (IQR), nmol/L3.350 (3.100–4.220)1.470 (1.350–1.840)0.003
 median (IQR), %6.4 (5.9–7.3)8.3 (6.7–11.8)0.041
 median (IQR), mmol/mol46 (41–51)67 (50–105)
Frequency of hypoglycemia in first week during hospitalization, median (IQR), episodes/week3 (1–5)1 (0-1)0.007

BMI: body mass index, ALT: alanine transaminase, AST: aspartate transaminase, eGFR: estimated glomerular filtration rate, PG: plasma glucose, IRI: immunoreactive insulin, and CPR: C-peptide reactivity.
*Insulin concentration conversion formula was described as: U/mL 6 = pmol/L (
hi was defined as insulin >6000.00 pmol/L.