Research Article

The Relationship between Health Literacy and Health Behaviour in People with Diabetes: A Danish Population-Based Study

Table 2

Response distribution and missing values for each item of the two health literacy scales.

Very easy (%)Easy (%)Difficult (%)Very difficult (%)Item missing (%)

Understanding health information well enough to know what to do
 Confidently fill in medical forms in the correct way19.950.616.35.87.4
 Accurately follow the instructions from healthcare providers17.051.820.22.98.2
 Read and understand written health information19.153.615.64.76.8
 Read and understand all the information on medication labels16.949.720.26.96.3
 Understand what healthcare providers are asking you to do19.859.811.02.57.0
Ability to actively engage with healthcare providers
 Make sure that healthcare providers understand your problems properly20.
 Feel able to discuss your health concerns with a healthcare provider23.353.814.62.06.4
 Have good discussions about your health with doctors25.053.613.52.55.3
 Discuss things with healthcare providers until you understand all you need to19.651.817.13.77.8
 Ask healthcare providers questions to get the health information you need20.554.