Research Article

Impaired Albumin Uptake and Processing Promote Albuminuria in OVE26 Diabetic Mice

Figure 6

TUNEL stained cells are increased in OVE tubules that accumulate albumin. (a) Merged image of mouse albumin immunostaining (blue) and TUNEL staining (green) on an OVE section. (b) Quantitation of TUNEL staining in tubules with and without albumin staining from the same OVE kidney sections. Only TUNEL staining in tubular epithelial cells was counted. TUNEL stained cells within the tubule lumen or between tubules were not counted. Complete sections from 6 OVE mice were counted. indicates . TUNEL staining was performed as described in Section 2. The image was taken with a 40x objective and the bar indicates 50 μm.