Research Article

Central Administration of Galanin Receptor 1 Agonist Boosted Insulin Sensitivity in Adipose Cells of Diabetic Rats

Figure 6

The i.c.v. injection of M617 significantly elevated ratios of pAkt/Akt and pAS160/AS160, but not ratios of pCREB/CREB in fat cells (). The ratios of pAkt/Akt (a) and pAS160/AS160 (b) were higher but not pCREB/CREB (c) in diabetic M617 group (D-M617) and nondiabetic M617 group (N-M617) than diabetic controls (DC) and nondiabetic controls (NC), respectively. The ratios of pAkt/Akt and pAS160/AS160 were lower, but pCREB/CREB were higher in D-M617 and DC than N-M617 and NC groups, respectively. All data shown are the means ± SEM. , versus NC; , versus N-M617; , versus DC.