Research Article

Glycaemic Control after Metformin Discontinuation in Diabetic Patients with a Declining Renal Function

Table 2

Characteristics of the patients with improved glycaemia (HbA1c decreased >0.5% at 6-month follow-up from baseline) and worsened glycaemia (HbA1c increased >0.5% at 6-month follow-up from baseline) following metformin discontinuation.

Total cohort ()Worsened glycaemia
Improved glycaemia
p value comparing worsened versus improved glycaemia

Age, years66.7 (10.9)68.1 (9.13)65.0 (13.3)0.339
Male, %5460640.771
Diabetes duration, years18.2 (8.3)20.4 (7.48)15.3 (7.4)0.020
Medications at metformin discontinuation, %
 DPP-IV inhibitor7881.000
HbA1c, %
 At baseline8.8 (2.3)8.1 (2.0)10.1 (2.5)0.002
 At 3 months9.2 (2.2)9.8 (2.6)a9.1 (2.3)
 At 6 months9.0 (2.2)10.4 (2.6)b8.3 (1.7)b
Body weight, kg
 At baseline71.8 (12.9)75.3 (14.4)68.7 (14.4)0.107
 At 3 months72.4 (13.0)75.5 (13.9)71.4 (13.6)
 At 6 months72.8 (12.2)76.4 (13.1)71.1 (14.0)
eGFR, ml/minute/1.73 m2
 eGFR at baseline29.7 (13.0)29.6 (8.5)33.0 (12.3)0.250
 eGFR at 3 months27.5 (10.8)30.1 (14.7)25.9 (10.5)a
 eGFR at 6 months26.3 (11.2)29.8 (17.2)23.8 (9.1)b

Values are in mean (SD) unless stated otherwise. for comparison between baseline and at 3-month follow-up. for comparison between baseline and at 6-month follow-up.