Research Article

Effects of Renal Denervation on Insulin Sensitivity and Inflammatory Markers in Nondiabetic Patients with Treatment-Resistant Hypertension

Table 1

Study criteria.

(i) Age 30 to 70 years
(ii) One month of stable antihypertensive treatment with at least three antihypertensive agents including a diuretic (or in case of diuretic intolerance, a minimum of three nondiuretic antihypertensive drugs)
(iii) Daytime ABPM systolic blood pressure ≥ 145 mmHg (preceded by 1 month of scheduled drug intake showing at least 85% adherence)
(i) Noncompliant personality (abuse, mental illness)
(ii) Pregnancy/inadequate contraception in fertile women
(iii) Known allergy to iodine-containing X-ray contrast agent
(i) Diabetes
(ii) Secondary hypertension
(iii) Malignant disease
(iv) Congestive heart failure NYHA 3-4
(v) Chronic renal failure stages 4-5 (eGFR ≤ 30 ml/min/1.73m2)
(vi) Stable angina pectoris (CCS classes 2–4)
(vii) Unstable angina pectoris
(viii) Coronary artery disease with indication for coronary intervention
(ix) Recent myocardial infarction or coronary intervention (<6 months)
(x) Permanent atrial fibrillation
(xi) Orthostatic syncope (<6 months)
(xii) Symptomatic peripheral artery disease
(i) Clinically significant abnormal electrolytes and liver function tests.
(ii) Hemoglobin < 7.0 mmol/l
(iii) Abnormal thyroid function
(iv) Macroscopic haematuria
(v) ECG: AV-block grades 2 and 3 or AV-block grades 1 + branch block
(i) Left ventricular ejection fraction < 50%
(ii) Significant valvular disease
CT-angiography and selective angiography of renal arteries
(i) Pronounced calcification in iliaco-aortic or renal arteries
(ii) Multiple renal arteries: accessory renal arteries estimated to carry more than 10% of the kidney’s blood supply (small polar arteries accepted) and being undersized (see below) for ablation procedure
(iii) Renal artery diameter < 4 mm
(iv) Renal artery length (from ostium to first major side branch) < 20 mm
(v) Renal artery disease (stenosis, fibromuscular dysplasia; prior intervention, dissection)