Review Article

Mesenchymal Stem Cells Improve Healing of Diabetic Foot Ulcer

Table 1

Clinical trials of BM-MSCs and UCB-MSCs.

First authorPublication yearCellular typeObjectDelivery methodDuration of observationClinical parameters

Dash2009Autologous BM-MSCs24 patients with nonhealing ulcers of the lower limb (diabetic foot ulcers and Buerger disease)Autologous cultured BM-derived MSCs along with standard wound dressing12 weeksDecrease in wound size, increase in pain-free walking distance, maintain normal liver and renal function, improve leg perfusion sufficiently

Amann2009Autologous BM-MSCs51 patients with impending major amputation due to severe critical limb ischemiaIntramuscular transplantation6 monthsImprove leg perfusion sufficiently to reduce major amputations and permit durable limb salvage, reduce analgesics consumption, increase in pain-free walking distance

Vojtassak2006Autologous biograft composed of autologous skin fibroblasts on biodegradable collagen membrane (Coladerm) in combination with autologous BM-MSCsPatients with diabetic footDirectly to the wound and injected into the edges of the wound, finally covered with prepared autologous biograft, received two additional treatments with cultured MSC on days 7 and 1729 daysDecrease in wound size and an increase in the vascularity of the dermis and in the dermal thickness of the wound bed

Lu2011Autologous BM-MSCs41 type 2 diabetic patients with bilateral critical limb ischemia and foot ulcerIntramuscular injection24 weeksIncrease in pain-free walking distance, improve leg perfusion, ankle-brachial index (ABI), transcutaneous oxygen pressure (TcO2), magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) analysis

Procházka2010Autologous BM-MSCs96 patients with critical limb ischemia and foot ulcerInject into the ischemic limb along the posterior and anterior tibial artery120 days79% limb salvage in patients

Li2013Allogeneic UCB-MSCs15 diabetic patients with foot disease10 mL is injected intramuscularly into impaired lower limbs and 2 mL is delivered into the basilar portions of foot ulcers and the surrounding subcutaneous tissues12 weeksWeakness, numbness, pain, cold feeling, or intermittent limp, skin temperature, ABI, and transcutaneous oxygen pressure (TcO2) are improved

BM-MSCs: bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells and UCB-MSCs: umbilical cord blood-derived mesenchymal stem cells.