Research Article

Association between MYH9 and APOL1 Gene Polymorphisms and the Risk of Diabetic Kidney Disease in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes in a Chinese Han Population

Table 2

Genotype and allele frequency of SNPs rs3752462 and rs136161 between DKD patients () and DM controls ().

Genotypes, n (%)Alleles, n (%)

rs3752462TTTCCCHWE valuePTCP
 DM227 (62.4%)115 (31.6%)22 (6.0%)0.1550.004569 (57.1%)159 (42.9%)0.002,∆
 DKD150 (49.5%)128 (42.2%)25 (8.3%)0.752428 (70.6%)178 (29.4%)
rs136161CCCGGGHWE valuePCGP
 DM213 (58.5%)126 (34.6%)25 (6.9%)0.2870.944552 (75.8%)176 (24.2%)0.751
 DKD180 (59.4%)104 (34.3%)19 (6.3%)0.449464 (76.6%)142 (23.4%)

; ∆ indicates statistical significance by Holm-Bonferroni correction; HWE: Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium.