Research Article

Association between Early Neuroretinal Dysfunction and Peripheral Motor Unit Loss in Patients with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus

Figure 4

Scatter plot between MfERG RADS of S1 + S2 of the N (nasal), S (superior), I (inferior), and T (temporal) sectors and motor unit number estimation of the abductor hallux (AH MUNE) in type 1 DM patients. A positive correlation between the mean MfERG RADs of the four quadrants (S, I, T, and N) and AH MUNE (, ; , ; , ; and , , respectively) was observed in T1DM patients. Since such correlations could be significantly affected by outliers, influence statistics (standardized DfBetas) were computed. After eliminating cases with values higher than the cutoff (), correlations resulted similar (, ; , ; , ; and , , respectively).