Research Article

Diabetes Mellitus, Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease, and Conjugated Linoleic Acid (Omega 6): What Is the Link?

Table 3

Comparison between laboratory data of subjects with grade II NAFLD after being classified according to their BMI into those with normal BMI and with high BMI.

ParameterDiabetics with normal BMI (n.5)Diabetics with high BMI (n.11) value

BMI (kg/m2)<0.0001
AST (IU/l)<0.0001
ALT (IU/l)<0.0001
T. Chol (mg/dl)<0.0056
HDL (mg/dl)<0.04500
LDL (mg/dl)<0.2135
TG (mg/dl)<0.0001
FBG (mg/dl)<0.1174
Insulin (μIU/ml)0.2875
CLA (ng/ml)<0.3569