Research Article

Association and Interaction Analysis of Lipid Accumulation Product with Impaired Fasting Glucose Risk: A Cross-Sectional Survey

Table 4

Index of interactive effect between LAP and other factors on IFG.

OR (95% CI)2Index of interactive effect2OR (95% CI)2Index of interactive effect2

LAP1Family history of diabetes
--1 (ref)1 (ref)
-+1.17 (0.63-2.17)RERI: 2.52 (0.19-4.84)31.61 (0.71-3.67)RERI: 2.18 (0.08-4.73)3
+-2.65 (1.92-3.65)AP: 0.47 (0.20-0.74)32.28 (1.28-4.07)AP: 0.43 (0.07-0.79)3
++5.33 (3.32-8.55)SI: 2.39 (1.17-4.87)35.07 (2.62-8.39)SI: 2.15 (1.03-5.45)3
--1 (ref)1 (ref)
-+1.49 (0.65-3.42)RERI: 0.92 (-2.79-4.63)41.59 (0.69-3.66)RERI: 1.99 (0.05-3.94)3
+-2.97 (1.85-4.77)AP: 0.20 (-0.50-0.92)42.03 (0.91-4.52)AP: 0.43 (0.10-0.77)3
++4.38 (1.93-9.96)SI: 1.37 (0.42-4.52)44.62 (2.19-9.73)SI: 2.22 (0.80-6.21)4

1Grouped by cut-off values calculating through ROC curve analysis. 2Multivariate analysis. 3. 4.