Research Article

The Effects of Nurse-Led Multidisciplinary Team Management on Glycosylated Hemoglobin, Quality of Life, Hospitalization, and Help-Seeking Behavior of People with Diabetes Mellitus

Table 1

Patient demographic characteristics at baseline.

VariableAllInterventionControl value

Age, y, mean (SD)66.5 (8.9)66.4 (10.6)66.6 (7.0)0.866
Age, y, (%)0.014
 <507 (3.9)6 (6.8)1 (1.1)
 50~<6028 (15.6)16 (18.2)12 (13.2)
 60~<7070 (39.1)25 (28.4)45 (49.4)
 ≥7074 (41.3)41 (46.6)33 (36.3)
Gender, (%)0.610
 Female95 (53.1)45 (51.1)50 (54.9)
 Male84 (46.9)43 (48.9)41 (45.1)
Spouse, (%)0.948
 Yes165 (92.2)81 (92.0)84 (92.3)
 No14 (7.8)7 (8.0)7 (7.7)
Education level, (%)0.397
 No schooling35 (19.5)16 (18.1)19 (20.8)
 Junior/middle school51 (28.5)21 (23.9)30 (33.0)
 High school56 (31.3)32 (36.4)24 (26.4)
 Some college or above37 (20.7)19 (21.6)18 (19.8)
Employment status, (%)0.133
 Employed20 (11.2)13 (14.8)7 (7.7)
 Retired or unemployed159 (88.8)75 (85.2)84 (92.3)
Basic medical insurance, (%)0.240
 Yes177 (98.9)86 (97.7)91 (100.0)
 No2 (1.1)2 (2.3)0 (0.0)
Additional medical insurance, (%)0.754
 Yes122 (68.2)59 (67.0)63 (69.2)
 No57 (31.8)29 (33.0)28 (30.8)
Monthly income, (%)0.308
 ¥≤150030 (16.7)14 (15.9)16 (17.6)
 ¥1501-4500146 (81.6)74 (84.1)72 (79.1)
 ¥>45003 (1.7)0 (0.0)3 (3.3)
Diabetes complications
 Yes70 (39.1)39 (44.3)31 (34.1)0.160
 No109 (60.9)49 (55.7)60 (65.9)
Treatment modality
 Diet/exercise6 (3.4)2 (2.3)4 (4.4)0.286
 Oral medication137 (76.5)64 (72.7)73 (80.2)
 Insulin therapy8 (4.5)6 (6.8)2 (2.2)
 Oral medication and insulin therapy28 (15.6)16 (18.2)12 (13.2)
HbA1c, %, mean (SD)7.08 (1.26)6.34 (1.02)<0.001
QOL, mean (SD)66.43 (14.07)74.71 (14.09)<0.001
Hospitalizations, (%)13 (14.8)5 (5.5)0.039

SD: standard deviation; HbA1c: glycosylated hemoglobin; QOL: quality of life.