Review Article

Myocardial Ischemia and Diabetes Mellitus: Role of Oxidative Stress in the Connection between Cardiac Metabolism and Coronary Blood Flow

Table 1

Coronary ion channels and their physiological role in the regulation of coronary vascular tone.

Ion channelMembrane effectFunctions

NavDepolarizationEndothelial-dependent coronary vasodilation
Cl-DepolarizationEndothelial-independent vasoconstriction
CavDepolarizationCoronary vasoconstriction; coronary autoregulation and control of coronary microvascular resistance
KvHyperpolarizationEndothelial-dependent and -independent coronary vasodilation
KATPHyperpolarizationCoronary vasodilation and metabolic regulation of coronary blood flow
KCaHyperpolarizationRedox-sensitive channel, coronary dilatation in response to endothelial-derived hyperpolarizing factor (EDHF), lipoxygenase metabolites, and H2O2