Research Article

Protective Role of Tangshen Formula on the Progression of Renal Damage in db/db Mice by TRPC6/Talin1 Pathway in Podocytes

Figure 2

TSF reduced foot process effacement, prevented WT1 from loss in db/db mice. (a) Representative transmission electron micrographs (scale bars, 1 μm) illustrate foot process effacement (black arrow) and GBM thickness (white arrow); the number and width of foot process and GBM thickness were subsequently calculated (). (b) Representative immunohistochemical staining and quantitative analysis of WT1 and nephrin (scale bars, 20 μm) (20 glomeruli were randomly evaluated per section, ). (c) Immunoblotting for WT1 and nephrin; quantification of the gels is shown on the right ( experiments). The data were expressed as the . #, ## vs. db/m group; , vs. db/db group. Statistically analyzed via a one-way ANOVA with Dunnett’s correction.