Research Article

The Association between Diabetes-Related Distress and Medication Adherence in Adult Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Cross-Sectional Study

Table 5

Factor loadings, communalities (), and percent of variance for principal factor extraction and varimax rotation on items of diabetes distress.


Negative emotions about diabetes
 Feeling discouraged with diabetes treatment plan0.4720.344
 Scared about thoughts of living with diabetes0.6430.604
 Uncomfortable social situations related to diabetes0.6400.495
 Feeling depressed about thoughts of diabetes0.7080.689
 Not knowing if mood is related to diabetes0.7090.597
 Feeling overwhelmed by diabetes0.4660.494
 Feeling angry about thought of living with diabetes0.6060.656
 Worrying about the future and complications0.6100.519
 Guilty and anxious when off-track management0.6030.435
 Diabetes taking too much of mental energy0.5400.500
 Feeling alone with diabetes0.5700.528
 Coping with complications of diabetes0.6030.712
 Feeling burned out0.6110.641
Dietary concerns and diabetes care
 No clear or concrete goals for diabetes care0.5290.711
 Feelings of deprivation regarding food and meals0.5960.600
Dissatisfaction with external support
 Feeling unsatisfied with diabetes physician0.4640.736
 Friends and family not supportive0.5960.627
Diabetes management helplessness
 Coping with complications of diabetes0.5100.712
 Feeling burned out by constant effort to manage diabetes0.4890.641
Percent variance27.1797.4856.9066.427

aFactor labels: : negative emotions about diabetes; : dietary concerns and diabetes care; : dissatisfaction with external support; : diabetes management helplessness.