Research Article

Enterotype Bacteroides Is Associated with a High Risk in Patients with Diabetes: A Pilot Study

Figure 3

Enterotypes identified in 171 participants using PCoA. (a) Panel (A) shows that the data are most naturally separated into two clusters via LefSe (LDA EffectSize) analysis. The -axis shows the cluster number, and the -axis shows the Calinski-Harabasz index, which is a measure of cluster separation. Panel (B) shows the clustering on the first two principal components. The red color represents enterotype 1 (Bacteroides), and the green color represents enterotype 2 (Prevotella). (b) Abundance index of Bacteroides and Prevotella in each enterotype. Boxes represent the interquartile range (IQR), and the line inside represents the median. PCoA: principal coordinates analysis. (c) LDA EffectSize analysis of two enterotypes. The -axis shows the LDA score (log 10) after analysis and the -axis shows the significantly differential genus between two enterotypes. The LDA threshold value is 2.