Review Article

A Critical Review of Proteomic Studies in Gestational Diabetes Mellitus

Table 2

Comparison of representative criteria for GDM diagnosis.

CriteriaFirst stepGlucose loadThresholds (mmol/L)Number of indicators
FPG1 h2 h3 h

IADPSG 2010NA75 g5.1108.5NA≥1
WHO 1999NA75 g7.0NA7.8NA≥1
ADIPS 1998NA75 g5.5NA8NA≥1
C-C 198250 g GLT100 g5.3108.67.8≥2
NDDG 197950 g GLT100 g5.810.69.28.0≥2

C-C: Carpenter-Coustan; NDDG: National Diabetes Data Group; ADIPS: Australian Diabetes in Pregnancy Society; NA: none; FPG: fasting plasma glucose; GLT: glucose load test.