Research Article

Association of Glycated Proteins with Inflammatory Proteins and Periodontal Disease Parameters

Table 1

Demographic, medical, and clinical characteristics in periodontitis and control groups. Data are presented as , range, or as (%).

CharacteristicsPeriodontitisControl value

Age (years),
Females, (%)33 (64.7)8 (40)
Smokers, (%)
 Current6 (11.8)2 (10)
 Never45 (88.2)18 (90)
Medical factors
 Basic metabolic index (kg/m2), 0.21
 Waist circumference (cm), <0.00001
Diabetes mellitus, (%)12 (23.5)0
 Diagnosed7 (58.3)0
 Undiagnosed5 (41.7)0
Medication, (%)
3 (42.9)
7 (100)
3 (42.9)
0 (0)
Periodontal disease severity
 BOP (%), <0.00001
ΣPPD total (mm), <0.00001
 Adjusted PPD total, <0.00001
ΣPPD disease (mm), <0.00001
 Adjusted PPD disease, NA
ΣMBL, <0.00001
 MBL, <0.00001
 Missing teeth, 0.0018
Number of sites affected,
 PPD 3-<5 mm, <0.001
 mm, <0.00001
Glycated biomarkers
 HbA1c % (mmol/mol), <0.00001
 Fructosamine (μmol/L), 0.0083

BOP = bleeding on probing; PPD = probing pocket depth; MBL = marginal bone loss.