Research Article

Depression and Its Predictors among Diabetes Mellitus Patients Attending Treatment in Hawassa University Comprehensive Specialized Hospital, Southern Ethiopia

Table 1

Binary logistic regression model for individual and social factors as predictors of depression among DM patient in HUCSH, southern Ethiopia, 2016 ().

DepressionCOR, 95% CI
No, (%)Yes, (%)

1Sociodemographic factors
Male95 (68.8%)43 (31.2%)1
Female57 (46.7%)65 (53.3%)2.5 (1.5, 4.18)
Age in years
18-3452 (78.8%)14 (21.2%)1
35-4447 (72.3%)18 (27.7%)1.4 (0.63, 3.17)
45-5435 (51.5%)33 (48.5%)3.5 (1.64, 7.47)
55 and above18 (29.5%)43 (70.5%)8.8 (3.96, 19.8)
Marital status
Single23 (67.6%)11 (32.4%)1
Married120 (56.6%)92 (43.4%)1.6 (0.74, 3.45)
Widow/divorced9 (64.3%)5 (35.7%)1.16 (0.31, 4.2)
Educational status
Illiterate35 (44.3%)44 (55.7%)2.79 (1.58, 4.9)
Read & write only17 (47.2%)19 (52.8%)2.48 (1.18, 5.2)
Formal education100 (69.0%)45 (31.0%)1
Job status
Governmental52 (65%)28 (35%)1
Private employ20 (64.5%)11 (35.5%)1.02 (0.42,2.4)
Merchant23 (59%)16 (41%)1.29 (0.58, 2.8)
Student15 (83.3%)3 (16.7%)0.37 (0.99, 1.3)
Housewife25 (50%)25 (50%)1.85 (0.9, 3.8)
Unemployed6 (35.3%)11 (64.7%)3.4 (1.1, 10.1)
Farmer11 (44.0%)14 (56.0%)2.36 (0.94, 5.8)
Income in birr
Below 13 USD20 (36.4%)35 (63.6%)3.93 (1.83, 8.4)
13-26.9 USD43 (56.6%)33 (43.4%)1.72 (0.86, 3.4)
27-38 USD44 (68.8%)20 (31.2%)1.02 (0.48, 2.1)
Above 38 USD45 (69.2%)20 (30.8%)1
2Behavioral predictors
Not adhered130 (64.7%)71 (35.3%)1
Adhered22 (37.3%)37 (62.7%)3.07 (1.68, 5.6)
Khat chewing
Yes18 (56.2%)14 (43.8%)1.10 (0.52, 2.3)
No134 (58.8%)94 (41.2%)1
Physical activity
Not adhered53 (39.3)82 (60.7%)6.15 (3.5, 10)
Adhered99 (79.2%)26 (20.8%)1
Diet regimen
Not adhered59 (37.8%)97 (62.2%)5.89 (3.3, 10.2)
Adhered93 (89.4%)11 (10.6%)1
3Individual and social predictors
Health advice
Yes131 (56.7%)100 (43.3%)1
No21 (72.4%)8 (27.6%)2.0 (0.85, 4.7)
Social problems
Yes47 (48.0%)51 (52.0%)1.99 (1.19, 3.3)
No105 (64.8%)57 (35.2%)1
Social support
Yes95 (66.9%)47 (33.1%)1
No57 (48.3%)61 (51.7%)2.16 (1.3, 3.57)
Family history of psychiatric illness
Yes13 (50%)13 (50%)1.46 (0.65, 3.2)
No139 (59.4%)95 (40.6%)1
Loss of someone very close (spouse)
Yes39 (34.8%)73 (65.2%)6.04 (3.5, 10.4)
No113 (76.4%)35 (23.6%)1