Research Article

Peripheral Arterial Disease and Its Associated Factors among Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients at Debre Tabor General Hospital, Northwest Ethiopia

Table 2

Comparison of PAD symptoms between PAD-positive and PAD-negative DM patients, Debre Tabor, Northwest Ethiopia, 2019.

Symptom statusTotalPAD ()No PAD ()Statistical significance
(%) (%) value

Asymptomatic222 (79.3%)49 (22.1)173 (77.9)37.6
Symptomatic58 (20.7%)37 (63.8)21 (36.2)
Typical symptom35 (12.5%)30 (85.7)5 (14.3)18.3
Atypical symptom23 (8.0%)7 (30.4)16 (69.5)