Research Article

The Relationship between Fetal Abdominal Wall Thickness and Intrapartum Complications amongst Mothers with Pregestational Type 2 Diabetes

Table 2

Perinatal characteristics and birth outcomes associated with intrapartum complications.

Spontaneous vaginal delivery
Shoulder dystocia
Caesarean section

Multiparous (%)81.6%76.9%73.8%0.511
Body mass indexa, mean (SD)36.1 (7.3)39.3 (7.7)39.3 (6.6)0.026
, underweight (%)000
 BMI 18.5-24.9, normal (%)3.7%00
, overweight (%)17%05.9%
 BMI 30-34.9, class 1 obesity (%)25.9%017.6%
 BMI 35-39.9, class 2 obesity (%)23.7%41.7%26.5%0.470
, class 3 obesity (%)29.7%58.3%50%0.011
Other medical complications of pregnancy16%15.4%32.6%0.092
 Hypertensive disorders15.8%15.4%16.3%0.713
 Other maternal conditions8.2%023.2%
Induction of labor (%)91.4%91.7%79.3%0.076
Gestational age at delivery, median [IQR]37 [36 to 38]37 [36 to 38]37 [36 to 38]0.899
1 min Apgar8 [6.5 to 9]6 [6 to 7]8 [4.5 to 9]0.013
5 min Apgar9 [9 to 9]9 [9 to 9]9 [9 to 9]0.788
Birthweight in grams, mean (SD)3469.4 (627.38)3992.93679.6 (805.3)0.008
grams (%)5.1%(276.8) 30.8%10.5%0.001
%ile for GA (%)43.4%84.6%71.1%0.0004
Female fetus (%)55.7%38.5%44.2%0.110

Notes: acalculated for with available BMI data.