Research Article

Segmentation of Laser Marks of Diabetic Retinopathy in the Fundus Photographs Using Lightweight U-Net

Table 1

Comparison of methods on the proposed dataset.


Lightweight U-Net93.55%92.16%92.25%70.59%0.9798
Lightweight U-Net with macular regions covered93.55%92.38%92.46%70.76%0.9804
Light weight U-Net with optic discs covered94.15%92.58%92.68%71.01%0.9818
Lightweight U-Net with both post-processing procedures94.16%92.82%92.90%71.18%0.9824

TP: the number of pixels correctly classified as laser marks; †FN: the number of pixels mistakenly classified as background; ‡ TN: the number of pixels correctly classified as background; § FP: the number of pixels mistakenly classified as laser marks.