Research Article

Factors Associated with Adherence to Clinical Practice Guidelines for Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: Results of a Spanish Delphi Consensus

Table 1

Factors related to clinical practice guidelines (CPGs).

Items of the questionnaireTotal numberNumber of responses (%)
Disagree (moderately disagree/strongly disagree) (Likert 1-2)Neither agree nor disagree (Likert 3)Agree (moderately agree/strongly agree) (Likert 4-5)

(i) The evolution of the research, given that sometimes there are subsequent findings that are proven uncertain or irreproducible, may reduce the credibility of the CPG recommendations9620 (20.8)5 (5.2)71 (74.0)
(ii) The complexity of the process recommended in the CPG difficults adherence9648 (50.0)6 (6.3)42 (43.8)
(iii) Scientific advances organized in the form of guidelines and recommendations are an invaluable help for clinicians982 (2.0)2 (2.0)94 (95.9)
(iv) The objective of the guidelines is to provide an up-to-date informative framework that helps the clinician to make the most appropriate decisions individually for each patient983 (3.0)1 (1.0)94 (95.9)
(v) The dynamic nature of scientific knowledge implies the periodic reassessment of the CPGs982 (2.0)096 (97.9)
(vi) An effective dissemination of the CPGs and their updates is necessary982 (2.0)096 (97.9)
(vii) There are different CPGs whose recommendations do not coincide9613 (13.6)6 (6.3)77 (80.2)
(viii) Although a guide is well implemented it is difficult to maintain it, since after a certain time professionals tend to return to their previous routines9666 (68.8)6 (6.3)24 (25.0)
(ix) It is crucial to incorporate adherence indicators to the CPGs964 (4.2)6 (6.3)86 (89.6)
(x) The large number of CPGs on diabetes may prevent effective dissemination966 (6.3)4 (4.2)86 (89.6)

Consensus achieved in the first Delphi round; consensus achieved in the second Delphi round.