Research Article

Factors Associated with Adherence to Clinical Practice Guidelines for Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: Results of a Spanish Delphi Consensus

Table 2

Factors related to the healthcare system and the healthcare center.

Items of the questionnaireTotal numberNumber of responses (%)
Disagree (moderately disagree/strongly disagree) (Likert 1-2)Neither agree nor disagree (Likert 3)Agree (moderately agree/strongly agree) (Likert 4-5)

Healthcare system-related factors
(i) The limitations to the prescription established by the public healthcare system prevent treatment according to the CPG9618 (18.7)3 (6.3)72 (75.0)
(ii) Differences in administrative limitations of local authorities between autonomous communities may have a different impact on adherence to CPGs984 (4.1)5 (5.1)89 (90.9)
(iii) Recommendations of international CPGs generally do not coincide with the current situation of our healthcare system9645 (46.9)10 (10.4)41 (42.7)
Healthcare center-related factors
(i) The clinician does not have enough time in the care of his/her patients to follow some recommendations964 (4.1)3 (3.1)89 (92.7)
(ii) There are no adequate material resources for the diagnosis and treatment recommended in the CPG9630 (31.3)14 (14.6)52 (54.2)
(iii) There are not adequate human resources for the diagnosis and treatment recommended in the CPG9610 (10.4)3 (3.1)83 (86.5)

Consensus achieved in the first Delphi round; consensus achieved in the second Delphi round.