Research Article

Interaction of Hypertension and Insulin Resistance Exacerbates the Occurrence of Diabetes Mellitus in Healthy Individuals

Table 2

The odds ratio (OR) of new-onset diabetes with different BP and HOMA-IR levels [OR (95% CI)].

Model 1
OR (95% CI)
Model 2
OR (95% CI)
Model 3
OR (95%)

Blood pressure (mmHg)
130-139/80-891.680 (0.877-3.218)0.1181.541 (0.797-2.979)0.1991.473 (0.760-2.856)0.252
≥140/90 or treated2.956 (1.736-5.032)<0.0012.432 (1.407-4.202)0.0012.230 (1.283-3.876)0.004
1.21-1.811.529 (0.730-3.201)0.2601.560 (0.737-3.300)0.2451.401 (0.658-2.985)0.382
1.81-2.682.846 (1.445-5.606)<0.0023.036 (1.535-6.005)0.0012.495 (1.231-5.055)0.011
≥2.688.651 (4.585-16.325)<0.0019.670 (5.086-18.384)<0.0017.049 (3.479-14.285)<0.001