Review Article

The Health-Promoting Effects and the Mechanism of Intermittent Fasting

Table 2

Information about IF and obesity.

InformationMethodSample featureResultsDiscussion

Bhutani [9]Nonrandomized controlled experiments in humans
Obese patients
BW, VF, TG, TC, LDL↓ADF can effectively reduce body weight and improve the health of patients.
Ara [10]Nonrandomized controlled experiments in humans
Healthy men
BW, BMI, TC, LDL-C↓; HDL (NA); C↑↑Ramadan can effectively reduce body weight and improve obesity-related health indicators.
Gur [11]Randomized controlled experiments in humans
Healthy pregnant women
HDL↑; LDL, TC, TG, BW (NA)Ramadan can lead to a decrease in VFT without affecting fetal development or amniotic fluid levels in healthy pregnant women.
Madkour [13]Nonrandomized controlled experiments in humans
Obese patients
BW, BMI, FM, VFA, IGF-1, TC, TG, HDL, TBW, SBP, W↓↓; INS, IR, Glu (NA)Ramadan has a short-term protective effect against oxidative stress in obese subjects.
John [14]Randomized controlled experiments in humans
Overweight and obese patients
VAT, FM, FFM, IR, SAT, IGF-1↓; Glu, LEP, TNF-α, IL-6↑CR and ADF similarly improve the FFM : total mass ratio and reduce leptin after a 24-week intervention.
Deng [15]Experiments in animals
Obesity mice
BW, LEP, WAT, LPS, HDL, ADPN↓; INS, LOC↑IF can alleviate the metabolic disorder of white adipose tissue in the condition of high-fat diet.

Note: NA: not analyzed; TG: triglyceride; TC: serum total cholesterol; LDL-C: low-density lipoprotein cholesterol; HDL-C: high-density lipoprotein cholesterol; INS: insulin; IR: insulin resistance; BW: weight; VAT: visceral adipose tissue; SAT: subcutaneous adipose tissue; FFM: free fat mass; FM: fat mass; VF: visceral fat content; WAT: white adipose tissue; LEP: leptin; ADPN: adiponectin; Glu: glucose; VFA: visceral fat area; VFT: visceral adipose tissue; HDL: high-density lipoprotein; LDL: low-density lipoprotein; TBW: total body water content; W: waist circumference; SBP: systolic blood pressure; LOC: liver organ coefficient; LPS: inflammation factor lipopolysaccharide.