Review Article

The Health-Promoting Effects and the Mechanism of Intermittent Fasting

Table 3

Information about IF and type 2 diabetes.

InformationMethodSample featureResultsDiscussion

Turki [28]Nonrandomized controlled experiments in humansPatients with T2DM ()
Healthy control ()
FM↓↓; MP, ghrelin, GIP, GLP-1, PYY, PP↑Ramadan can reduce the body weight of diabetics effectively.
Arnason [29]Randomized controlled experiments in humans
Overweight patients with T2DM
Glu↓; IR, IM (NA)ADF can effectively improve key indicators such as BW and Glu in patients with T2DM.
Klempel [30]Nonrandomized controlled experiments in humans
BW, Glu, IR↓MF can effectively prevent the occurrence of diabetes.

Note: NA: not analyzed; IR: insulin resistance; BW: body weight; FM: adiposity; MP: metabolic parameters; GIP: glucose-dependent insulin-releasing peptide; GLP-1: glucagon-like peptide-1; PYY: gastrointestinal peptide tyrosine; PP: pancreatic polypeptide; IM: inflammatory marker; Glu: blood glucose.