Research Article

Huaju Xiaoji Formula Regulates ERS-lncMGC/miRNA to Enhance the Renal Function of Hypertensive Diabetic Mice with Nephropathy

Figure 5

HJXJ treatment decreased the level of fibrosis molecules in HGMCs (model HGMC) induced by high doses of sugar (30 mmol/mL) and TGFβ1 (5 ng/mL). (a) ELISA was performed to assess the level of fibronectin and laminin. (b) ELISA was performed to assess the collagen (COL I and COL IV) content. (c) The mRNA level of α-SMA was evaluated by RT-qPCR analysis. (d) Western blotting assays were performed to measure the levels of α-SMA, Smad2/3, and p-smad2/3. , vs. Con group; # and ##, vs. sugar+TGFβ1 group.