Review Article

Exponential Disruptive Technologies and the Required Skills of Industry 4.0

Table 1

Industrial revolution transition.

Revolution and timelineTechnologies and capabilitiesMain industriesMain engineering discipline(s)

Industry 1.0 1760-1900Mechanization using water and steam (first mechanical weaving loom)Coal, iron, textileMechanical engineering
Industry 2.0 1900-1960Mass production using electricity (first assembly line)Semiconductors, automobiles, steel, airplanesElectrical engineering, industrial engineering
Industry 3.0 1960-2000Automation using digital electronics and IT (first PLC system)1Electronics, mobile phones, internet, computer, robotsComputer and electronic engineering, software engineering
Industry 4.0 2000-todayInnovation based on the “fusion of virtual, physical, digital, and biological sphere” (cyber-physical production system)Social media, self-driving cars, drones, virtual assistantIntegration of many engineering disciplines, e.g., mechatronic engineering, biomechanical engineering

1PLC- programmable logic controller, modified from [1, 24, 38].