Research Article

Calibration of Discrete Element Simulation Parameters for Powder Screw Conveying

Table 1

Parameters required in DEM simulation.

Simulation parametersValue

Density of wheat flour/(kg·m−3)1320
Poisson’s ratio of wheat flour0.2–0.4
Shear modulus of wheat/Pa1.1 × 107–6 × 107
Density of stainless steel/(kg·m−3)7800
Poisson’s ratio of stainless steel0.3
Shear modulus of stainless steel/Pa7 × 1010
Wheat flour-wheat flour restitution coefficient0.15–0.55
Wheat flour-wheat flour static friction coefficient0.2–0.8
Wheat flour-wheat flour rolling friction coefficient0.05–0.25
Wheat flour-stainless steel restitution coefficient0.15–0.55
Wheat flour-stainless steel static friction coefficient0.2–1.0
Wheat flour-stainless steel rolling friction coefficient0.1–0.8