Research Article

Desktop Software for Patch-Clamp Raw Binary Data Conversion and Preprocessing

Table 2

List of some of the properties and methods of the clsPulseData class.


PropertiesCacuExpressionSet or return the calculation expression for raw data preprocessing.
DataFormatReturn the data format of a given Sweep (i.e., int16, int32, real32, or real64).
FileNameDat, FileNamePul, FileNamePgfSet or return the *.dat, *.pul or *.pgf file name (with entire path), respectively.
GroupCount, SeriesCount, SweepCountReturn the number of Groups in the experiment, the number of Series in a given Group, and the number of Sweeps in a given Series, respectively.
HasLeak, HasSecondReturn whether the leak and the second trace exist or not, respectively.
PtrInPgfSeriesReturn the pointer of a Series in *.pgf file.
PtrInPulGroup, PtrInPulSeries, PtrInPulSweepReturn the pointer of a Group, a Series, and a Sweep in *.pul file, respectively.
SampleRateReturn the sample rate.

MethodsCloseFileClose the opened files, release all resources.
OpenPulseDataFileOpen the *.dat file along with the *.pul and *.pgf files. Only construct the data structure in memory, without loading all data from files.
PulseReadDataRead and return a continuous data stream from raw data file given a trace and a range of start and end time.
SweepIdxToIdxesGiven an index of Sweep in the data structure, return the corresponding indexes of Group, Series, and Sweep in raw data, respectively.