Research Article

Rao-Blackwellized Gaussian Sum Particle Filtering for Multipath Assisted Positioning

Algorithm 1

RBGSPF for time instant .
Input:  , and for , , ,
Output:  , and for , ,
(1) for do
(2)draw new user particle using (33);
(3)if any new signal components detected then
(4)initialize the new transmitter(s) based on ;
(5)if track of any signal components lost then
(6)delete the corresponding transmitter(s);
(7)for do
(8)for do
(9)perform UKF prediction and update to calculate using the UKF equations in the Appendix;
(10)calculate the weight with (46);
(11)if then
(12)prune this Gaussian component: set ;
(13)calculate the weight with (45);
(14) for do
(15)for do
(16)normalize the weights for ;
(17) normalize the weights for ;
(18) resample the user particles [26];