Research Article

Coordinated Operation of the Constituent Components of a Community Energy System to Maximize Benefits While considering the Network Constraints

Algorithm 1

Main steps of the optimization algorithm.
(1) Set IterMax = 5000 (maximum number of iterations)
(2) Set Iter = 1
(3) Start
(4) Initialize population: Generate S (S = 64) number of X random chromosomes (parents) within initialization constraints (Sections B, E, and F)
(5) while Iter < IterMax do
(6)Calculate cost for each chromosome in the population: run Algorithm 2
(7)Crossover step: generate children: update population
(8)Mutation step: only for children generated (mutation rate 20%): update population
(9) Run Algorithm 2
(10) Store minimum cost schedule XIter
(11)Iter = Iter + 1; go to 5 {continue to the next iteration}
(12) end while
(13) Store Xfinal (minimum of all Xiter)
(14) End