Research Article

Arabic Sign Language Recognition System for Alphabets Using Machine Learning Techniques

Table 7

The hand features used in AArSLRS.

FeaturesFeature descriptionFeature equation

F1The ratio coordinates of the hand center of mass on the x-axis, to the width of around box by handF1 = CX/x.width

F2The ratio coordinates of the hand center of mass on the y-axis, to the length of around box by handF2 = CY/y.length

F3The ratio between the width of around box by hand to the length of around box by handF3 = x.width/y.length

F4The ratio pixels of between the object (hand) area to the area of around box by handF4 = area (object)/area of bounding box

F5The ratio between object (hand) perimeter to object (hand) areaF5 = perimeter (object)/area (object)

F6The ratio between object major axis length to area of bounding boxF6 = object major axis length/area of bounding box

F7The ratio between object minor axis length to area of bounding boxF7 = object minor axis length/area of bounding box

F8–F15Extrema (endpoints of hand shape)F8 = X top-left
F9 = X top-right
F10 = X right-top
F11 = Y right-top
F12 = X right-bottom
F13 = Y right-bottom
F14 = Y left-bottom
F15 = Y left-top