Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Advanced Information Technology Convergence


Lead Editor

1Tianjin University of Science and Technology, Tianjin, China

2University of Surrey, Guildford, UK

3Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool, UK

4Shanghai Maritime University, Pudong, China

5Mokpo National University, Mokpo, Republic of Korea

Advanced Information Technology Convergence


Nowadays, the tremendous growth and usage of information technologies led to rapid development on the various aspects of advances in convergence and hybrid information technology, such as IT convergence in signal and image processing, human-computer interaction, robotics, transportation system, and health care. The spread of current technologies is more emanative at all stages of research, development, diffusion, and use. Moreover, different regions of research and applications are often integrate together to achieve better performance, solve problems, and restructure systems, as well as improving the computational intelligence in both theoretical and practical aspects. Hence, the convergence of information technologies could lead to the new stage of innovation with significant increasing speed.

This special issue is aimed to provide state-of-the-art publication of refereed, high quality original research papers in all branches of the convergence technologies and its applications. It provides a platform for researchers to comprehensively share ideas, problems, and solutions related to advanced information technology convergence with various topics.

Potential topics include, but are not limited to:

  • IT convergence in signal and image processing: speech and biomedical signal processing and coding and image/video coding and transmission, biometrics, multimedia security, and forensics
  • IT convergence in human-computer interaction: ubiquitous interactivity, learning and training for HCI, interaction for the performing arts, mobile media access, and sharing
  • IT convergence in robotics: robot vision, sensor information fusion, robot navigation, robot localization, and intelligent agricultural robots
  • IT convergence in transportation system: telematics and ITS, GIS, multimedia messaging, infotainment, traffic information system, driver's safety, and obstacle detection
  • IT convergence in health care: electronic health records, RFID and medication safety, and needs for medical imaging in health care
  • Convergence applications: convergence of information technology to a wide range of fields including medicine, environment, industry, and communications
Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering
 Journal metrics
See full report
Acceptance rate10%
Submission to final decision93 days
Acceptance to publication17 days
Journal Citation Indicator0.480
Impact Factor2.4
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