Research Article

Dietary Predictors and Plasma Concentrations of Perfluorinated Compounds in a Coastal Population from Northern Norway

Table 1

Study group characteristics.

Total (100%)Women (73%)Men (27%)

Median (range)Median (range)Median (range)

Age (years)44 (26–60)44 (26–60)44 (32–57)
BMI (kg/m2)25 (18–43)24 (18–43)25 (21–33)
Intake of meat (kg/year) 46 (5.2–119)42 (5.2–119)63 (12–83)
Intake of dairy products (kg/year)65 (40–299)54 (4.0–299)138 (8.9–235)
Intake of bread and cereals (kg/year)48 (14–114)46 (14–108)78 (21–114)
Intake of vegetables and fruit (kg/year) 151 (51–363)154 (52–363)136 (51–305)
Intake of fatty fish (kg/year) 3.2 (0–39)3.1 (0–18)3.4 (0–39)
Intake of lean fish (kg/year) 15 (0–63)14 (0–63)18 (5.1–38)
Intake of other kinds of fish (kg/year) 2.1 (0–19)2.1 (0–19)2.1 (0–19)
Intake of fish products (kg/year) 15 (1.7–53)15 (1.7–41)20 (4.5–53)
Intake of shellfish (kg/year)0 (0–3.2)0 (0–3.2)0 (0–3.2)

Four people were excluded due to poor chromatography and the total number of study participants was reduced to 56.
Include meat and meat products.
Include potatoes, vegetables, juice, jam, and fruit.
Include intake of salmon, mackerel, wolfish, and herring.
Include intake of boiled and fried cod.
Include intake of other kinds of fish not included in above two categories.
Include intake of fish cakes, fish au gratin, deep-fried fish, and fish spread.